Monday, May 4, 2009



Goals are important because they serve to illuminate a path. Without them we tend to waste time and ultimately, find that we have not accomplished anything in our lives.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said,
”Conduct yourself in this world as if you are here to stay forever. Prepare for eternity as if you had to die tomorrow.” (Bukhari)

Have the family know that life is not just about enjoying and accumulating but to have Allah pleased with them.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said,
“If someone wants to know what position he enjoys in the eyes of God, he has only to look at what place he gives to God (in his life).” (Hakim)

Ensure that goals are set in all areas of life so that you and members of your family grow in a comprehensive rather than fragmented fashion. At the end of the year review what has been accomplished, and set new goals for the next year. But the most important goal is to have Allah pleased with us and to strive for paradise.

Allah says,
“What is the life of this world but amusement and play? But verily the home of Hereafter; that is life indeed, if they but knew.” (Quran 29:64)



Islam encourages us to consult with each other. Family meetings are useful strategy to maintain and enhance family relations, communication and co-operation. They show children how to discuss and resolve issues. It allows family members to compromise family members at times and prevents them from becoming stern and harsh with each other.

Allah reminds Prophet Muhammad (SAW),
“Had you been stern and harsh hearted, they would have dispersed from around you.” (Quran3:159)

Start meetings early enough and you will find they help minimize the challenges of raising teenagers.



The Prophet (SAW) said,
“No father can give his child anything better than good manners.”

To achieve this we have to expose our children to the teachings of Islam and be an example for them. For example, we should not send them to pray and neglect to pray ourselves. Allah reminds us,

“O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not? Grievously hateful is in the sight of Allah that you say that which you do not.” (Quran 61:2-3)

If you do not have the knowledge or skill to teach children, you must make the effort to acquire them. Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said,
“The search of the knowledge is an obligation laid on every Muslim.” (Ibn-e-Maja and Baihaqi)
A typical program of study should include Arabic Language, Memorization of Quran, memorization of Duas, a study of Hadith, learning to pray, a study of seerah, understanding of Islamic history, Islam’s moral teachings, etc.