Monday, May 4, 2009



Goals are important because they serve to illuminate a path. Without them we tend to waste time and ultimately, find that we have not accomplished anything in our lives.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said,
”Conduct yourself in this world as if you are here to stay forever. Prepare for eternity as if you had to die tomorrow.” (Bukhari)

Have the family know that life is not just about enjoying and accumulating but to have Allah pleased with them.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said,
“If someone wants to know what position he enjoys in the eyes of God, he has only to look at what place he gives to God (in his life).” (Hakim)

Ensure that goals are set in all areas of life so that you and members of your family grow in a comprehensive rather than fragmented fashion. At the end of the year review what has been accomplished, and set new goals for the next year. But the most important goal is to have Allah pleased with us and to strive for paradise.

Allah says,
“What is the life of this world but amusement and play? But verily the home of Hereafter; that is life indeed, if they but knew.” (Quran 29:64)



Islam encourages us to consult with each other. Family meetings are useful strategy to maintain and enhance family relations, communication and co-operation. They show children how to discuss and resolve issues. It allows family members to compromise family members at times and prevents them from becoming stern and harsh with each other.

Allah reminds Prophet Muhammad (SAW),
“Had you been stern and harsh hearted, they would have dispersed from around you.” (Quran3:159)

Start meetings early enough and you will find they help minimize the challenges of raising teenagers.



The Prophet (SAW) said,
“No father can give his child anything better than good manners.”

To achieve this we have to expose our children to the teachings of Islam and be an example for them. For example, we should not send them to pray and neglect to pray ourselves. Allah reminds us,

“O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not? Grievously hateful is in the sight of Allah that you say that which you do not.” (Quran 61:2-3)

If you do not have the knowledge or skill to teach children, you must make the effort to acquire them. Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said,
“The search of the knowledge is an obligation laid on every Muslim.” (Ibn-e-Maja and Baihaqi)
A typical program of study should include Arabic Language, Memorization of Quran, memorization of Duas, a study of Hadith, learning to pray, a study of seerah, understanding of Islamic history, Islam’s moral teachings, etc.

Saturday, April 25, 2009



To manage a family with minimal conflict, energy and stress there has to be effective communication between all members of the family. As parents, this is something we have to teach and monitor on an ongoing basis until all family members get it right. The kind of communication that you have with your kids while they are young is the kind of communication that id likely to stay between you unless
a conscious effort is made to correct the problem.

Communications between family members are basically of three types:
· One way
· Argumentative
· Two way

At the same time we must impart to members of our house hold the Islamic etiquettes pertaining to communicating with each other, like:

· Kindness to each other
· Do not become angry
· Do not call each other by offensive names
· Be willing to forgive

The Prophet (SAW) reminds us,
“Allah is kind and loves kindness in all affairs.”

A technique for managing our anger is outlined with the following hadith:
“When one of you is standing and becomes angry he should sit down. If the anger leaves him, well and good, otherwise, he should lie down.” (Ahmad and Tirmidhi)

Monday, April 20, 2009


Families become dysfunctional because they move away from the basics. When we move away from the basics we erode the foundations upon which family life is built. Here are few basics you should be emphasizing:

a) Pray together

The Messenger of God said,
“What lies between a person and disbelief is the abandonment of prayers.” (Muslim)

b) Eat at least one meal together each day

The Messenger of God said,
“Eat together and not separately, for the blessing is associated with company”. (Ibn Maja)

c) Do not practice favoritism amongst your children

The Messenger of God said,
“Treat your children equally, treat your children equally, treat your children equally,”(Ahmad)


A common mistake parents make is to teach their kids to be accountable to them, rather than to be accountable to Allah first and foremost. If you teach your children that you are primarily accountable to Allah, they know that Allah and His recording angels see and record all that they do even when you’re not around to see what they are doing.

To achieve this teach your children using relevant concepts and principles from the Quran and Hadith. Some examples are:

“Serve Allah as you would if you could see Him; although you cannot see Him, He can see you.” (Muslim)

“Fear Allah wherever you are, and follow up a bad deed with a good one and it will wipe it out, and behave well towards people.” (Tirmidhi)

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Siyaam, fasting,is among the fundamental acts of ibaadat. It has been ordained by Allah for the development of taqwa in the Maumineen. Fasting is extremely efficaciousfor the acquisition of Taqwa. A muslim cannot acquire Divine proximity without taqwa. Without Taqwa, the muslim must necessarily drift far off the straight peth, Sirat-ul-Mustaqeem, which leads to Allah and everlasting success in the Aakhirat. One who denies the fardhiat, obligation, of Saum, no longer remains a muslimand the one who does not fastduring the month of Ramadan is a Faasiq, an immoral and flagrant transgressor, of the highest order. Such a Faasiq totallydestroys his spirituality and morality and exposes hid Imaan to the gravest onslaught of Kufr.